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We present a web-based tool which provide an easy and direct access to the optical and near infrared light curves and finding charts of all the Arecibo sample (i.e. 385 sources), where the position of the identified counterparts are indicated.

Many of these OH/IR stars are included in a near infrared (NIR) monitoring program that were conducted between 1999 and 2005, aimed at deriving the variability properties of these objects. In addition, optical data has been collected form public surveis. Teh results of the fitting is also shown.

The Arecibo Sample

It contains 385 stars and it is a well-defined sample of far-infrared selected oxygen-rich AGB stars provided by the Arecibo survey of OH/IR stars. It originally consisted of ~390 IRAS sources, which were detected in the 1612 MHz maser line with the Arecibo radio telescope. The sample was obtained from a complete survey of IRAS sources with flux densities >2 Jy at 25 µm, with declination between 0° and 37° and appropiate colours of AGB stars. The OH maser detection qualifies the IRAS source as an oxygen richstar.

Light Curves

Two types of light curve has been built. NIR in J (1.25 µm), H (1.65 µm), and K (2.20 µm), from our monitoring program completed with data from 2MASS, DENIS and UKIDSS, when possible. And optical, from different surveys from the VO, including Gaia.

Optical light curves were fitted with asymmetric sinusoidal curve. NIR were fitted to a symmetric sinusoidal curve for those with at least 5 measurements, and with asymmetric curve for those with at least 10 measurements.

Periodograms, light curves with the best fit, and folded light curves are shown.

Different symbols are used depending on the origin of the data. For the NIR light curves triangles for NIR-MP J band, squares for NIR-MP H band, diamonds for NIR-MP K band, asterisks for 2MASS data, crosses for DENIS, and pluses for UKIDDS. Photometric errors are overplotted with black vertical bars.

For the optical light curves the code of symbols is as follow: red diamonds for data from ASAS, black crosses for AAVSO, cyan asterisks for the OMC, blue triangles for ASAS-SN, and green squares for $Gaia$ data. Photometric errors are shown with vertical black bars. They are typically smaller than the symbols.

Finding charts

For each star of the sample a finding chart was created with an optical (DSS), NIR (2MASS), and mid-IR (WISE) image. The size of the images is 3' x 3'. The position of the OH/IR star is shown with a cross.